‘Still Wakes the Deep is the game I joined The Chinese Room to make’- A new release date trailer gives us another look at the horrifying Beira D oil rig-

I’m not sure what’s scarier: the idea of being trapped on an oil rig in the Scottish sea with some monstrosity or the fact that we’re now only a few months away from the release of Still Wakes the Deep after nine months of waiting—the passage of time can really be a tough reality check. 

Thanks to a new trailer shown at the Future Games Show Spring Showcase, we not only now know that Still Wakes the Deep is scheduled to release on June 18, 2024 but we also got to see a bit more of the eerie oil rig. Rob McLachlan, lead designer for Still Wakes the Deep, explained in a post-show interview the importance of the Beira D oil rig and how the team has made sure that this experience will leave a mark. 

“Still Wakes the Deep is the game I joined The Chinese Room to m…

Star Wars Galaxies revival project adds ‘planetary control mechanics’ so you can really disappoint Lord Vader-

Star Wars Galaxies Restoration, the fan-made revival of the Star Wars MMO that closed its doors in 2011, has taken a major step forward with the release of a new update adding “planetary control mechanics” that promise to add new depth and complexity to the Galactic Civil War.

The planetary control system allows players to assign themselves regions of a planet, from where they can capture objectives and defend against enemy attacks. Successfully completing missions will enable players to rank up, with higher ranks conferring special abilities like air strikes and reinforcements, as well as exclusive armor and weapon skins and factional vendors. Commanders control local planetary regions and bases, Colonels control planets or the space above them, and Generals are in charge of enti…