The Art of Craftsmanship with Arc Motorcycle

The motorcycle industry has witnessed dramatic changes with the emergence of electric bikes. Designers and engineers have developed new, innovative motorcycles capable of reaching staggering speeds without releasing harmful emissions into the atmosphere. One of these innovative motorcycles that have captured the attention of motorcycle enthusiasts worldwide is the Arc Vector. Hand-built by a talented team of engineers near Coventry, the Vector is an electric machine that combines stunning aesthetics with a powerful performance. In this blog post, we’ll explore the unique features of the Arc Vector.

Arc Motorcycle
One of the standout features of the Arc Vector is its design, which is a true piece of art in motion. The Vector features a sleek, aerodynamic body made primarily of carbon fibre. The bodywork is precisely crafted to combine beauty with function, streamlining the motorcycle while providing excellent performance. Additionally, the front of the bike houses a custom-made LED headlight that puts on a fantastic show at night. The design of Arc Vector makes it one of the most distinctive motorcycles ever to hit the streets.

The engineering behind the Arc Vector is equally impressive. The motorcycle is powered by a 95kW electric motor that produces an astounding 133hp. This power is transmitted to the rear wheel via a toothed belt, and the motorcycle boasts a top speed of 125mph and 0-60mph acceleration in 2.7 seconds. This means that the Arc Vector is capable of delivering a thrilling ride while being 100% emissions-free.

Arc Vector’s rider interface is nothing short of exceptional. The motorcycle features a built-in Heads-Up Display (HUD), which provides the rider with up-to-the-minute information such as speed, remaining battery life, and other essential data. The HUD is neatly integrated into the helmet, creating a futuristic, high-tech experience for riders. Besides the HUD, the Vector is equipped with a range of connectivity options, including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, for seamless integration with the rider’s electronic devices.

The performance of the Arc Vector is also aided by the sophisticated suspension system that affords the motorcycle maximum stability and control. The motorcycle features custom Ohlins forks and a rear shock designed explicitly for the bike’s unique geometry. These details ensure that the rider enjoys maximum comfort even while blazing fast on the road.

Arc Motors

The Arc Vector is an industry-leading motorcycle that combines awe-inspiring design with cutting-edge engineering. With a powerful electric motor, top-notch acceleration, and up-to-the-minute technology, riders will always have a thrilling ride. Although the company has faced its fair share of challenges, the founders’ determination and commitment have seen them through to the launch of this innovative machine that has already shipped to its first customer. So if you’re looking for an electric motorcycle with head-turning aesthetic appeal, unparalleled performance, and innovative technology, the Arc Vector is the motorcycle for you!


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